Today Tonight spotlights Strata Managers
As shown on Today Tonight on Thursday, 10th September 2015, Strata Managers in South Australia are not equal!
Strata Management SA are proud to state that we:
- Pass on all interest earned by clients monies to our client corporations
- Offer multiple choices on competitive specialist strata insurance at no cost to you
- Have no connections to any maintenance companies
- Receive no commissions on your maintenance work
- Actively work to save you money and pass the savings on to you
- Fully disclose our charges up front and do not push you into spending more
- Do not put signs and boxes on your property
- Do not make you pay for costly and unnecessary reports
- Let you have full choice of contractor (we just want to check to make sure they have a license and insurance prior to engaging and we do not charge anything more for doing this)
- Work with you
Additionally, we are the only company in South Australia who can guarantee you a trained, experienced and nationally accredited Body Corporate Manager to help you on the right path.
If this sounds like the positive management change you have been seeking, please give us a call on 8350 5699.