Pay Your Levy
All bodies corporate need to raise funds and these will be determined by meetings which will stipulate the amount of the levies and when they are due.
While it is most common to see Quarterly levies set we have involvement with corporations that have set 4 monthly, half-yearly and annual levies.
No matter how long the levy is for or how much it is, your corporation will need it paid.
For the corporations we assist we have the following payment methods available:
BPAY - Biller Code 96503
Internet - pay at
Phone - 1300 301 090 with DEFT Phonepay
Credit Card - or 1300 301 090 (surcharges apply)
Cheque - Mail with payment slip (bottom of levy notice) to: DEFT Payment Systems, Locked Bag 656, Adelaide SA 5001
Australia Post - Pay in person by cash, cheque or EFTPOS ($2.75 processing fee)
Please note that all payment methods are listed on the bottom of your levy notice along with the reference number for your property.
While each payment has a due date you can pay in advance as suits your needs. We have some clients who pay part of their levies in advance as they get paid fortnightly or monthly.
If you have any queries please contact our office.